Uses for Augmented Reality in Construction

    Tech innovation is becoming ever more important especially in times when numerous industries and sectors are benefiting from tech adoption. Augmented reality practices combining of virtual elements with real-life surroundings, while its specifics enable several uses cases in construction as well. Building Information Modeling with augmented reality, virtual reality lenses and glasses, and more techy novelties can aid in the acceleration of the construction industry. Moreover, different construction teams can benefit from AR, starting from designers and architects, to engineers and service providers.

    BIM in Construction in Combination with Augmented Reality

    Many construction companies have already adopted BIM to facilitate more efficient management of teams, cooperation, and successful completion of construction projects. A part of these companies is using BIM in combination with augmented reality to increase the accuracy of prediction when it comes to the process of construction. Reducing potential surprises can affect the project in a positive way which is why AR and BIM are combined to provide a superb tool. AR furthermore, provides a 3D view of 2D projects, that way improving the way project drawings are projected and understood. From design data to productivity stats, safety, and health, AR combined with BIM increases the overall efficiency of the fragmented industry that construction represents.

    Different Use Cases of Augmented Reality in Construction

    Smart glasses powered by AR can be used as safety equipment as well as serve the purpose of an inspection tool. With AR in this use case, construction inspectors can save costs and time as well as improve overall safety on job sites. Furthermore, AR can be used for accurate measuring, job site revisions, project planning, underground construction, and training. Providing training for workers is essential in facilitating increased safety on construction sites. Moreover, proper training with AR should boost efficiency on job sites and consequently bring more profit to construction companies.

    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi – Full Stack Software Engineer Mert Nacakgedigi is a full stack software engineer. He has many years of experience in construction in different roles. You can reach him at [email protected].

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