Prefab Homes are Gaining More on Popularity: Startups Getting into It

    Are Prefab Homes the Future of Housing?

    As the world as we know is changing, we might be forced to look into alternative housing solutions. Prefabricated homes are set to potentially become the future of housing according to two architects based in Italy, Francesca Turnaturi and Fabio Vignolo. The two architects are the founders of a startup called Make Yourself a Home to build and sell wooden prefab homes at affordable prices. These homes have flexible designs and are made of eco-friendly materials that offer sustainability. According to the founders of the startup, there are numerous economic and social factors influencing the overall interest in prefabricated homes.

    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi – Full Stack Software Engineer Mert Nacakgedigi is a full stack software engineer. He has many years of experience in construction in different roles. You can reach him at [email protected].

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