Sustainable Building in Boston Takes a New Approach

    The next “it” construction project in Boston’s area of Roxbury is taking shape, possibly set to become the stepping stone of the new-wave residential structure.  The building should be made entirely out of wood and represent a new kind of net-zero-energy residential building.

    New Construction Trends Emerging in Boston

    Boston should become the first city in the US to have a net-zero-energy building made entirely out of wood, as designed and projected by architects from MIT and construction company Placetailor. The upcoming construction project should become a five-story building set in the area of Roxbury and should be made from cross-laminated timber. The goal of using this material is to annulate greenhouse-gas emissions that are otherwise made by other types of construction materials. The efficiency of the building in the sense of preserving the environment will be increased to the maximum with carbon emissions equaling zero.

    Wooden Constructions in Urban Areas

    It is usually the case that wooden materials are used for constructing single-family houses and smaller buildings. The five-story building should be the first of its kind, as there are rarely any wooden constructions for multi-family residential buildings in the US, even though Europe is already testing wooden constructions in urban areas. Urban areas are known to have steel and concrete buildings, however, with the mass production of wooden materials and the use of techniques such as cross-laminated timber, it becomes easier to build large-scale buildings out of wood. Thanks to the methods that are to be used for constructing this building in Boston, the residential wooden building should become an example of net-zero-energy buildings in the US. The building should have five stories, while it is more so possible to build up to 18 stories by using cross-laminated timber for commercialized wooden constructions that are also eco-friendly and create zero carbon emissions.  

    Photo by Lauren on Unsplash

    Ikbal Erdogan
    Ikbal Erdogan
    Ikbal Erdogan – Chief Construction Officer / Ikbal Erdogan is an engineer in the Construction Industry with over 5 years of experience concentrating on Project Management methodologies. He has worked for construction & investment companies providing engineering and technology expertise during the execution of various expansion projects. He has been primary technical contact in large-scale construction projects for schedule preparation, preliminary planning, process development, resource forecasting and collaboration with procurement for engineering and other technical activities. You can reach him at [email protected].

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