Is Construction Industry Considered Essential in Times of Coronavirus Outbreak?

    Due to the outbreak of Coronavirus and the official announcement of pandemics of COVID-19, the US alongside with many other countries, have decided to order closing “nonessential” businesses, mostly referring to recreational businesses. As cities and states across the US are closing nonessential businesses, here is what you need to know regarding the differences between essential and nonessential businesses.

    Differences Between Essential and Nonessential Business

    Different cities and states in the United States are somewhat bringing slightly different decisions on which businesses should be closed and which should remain open to enable normal functioning of the population in the times of Coronavirus fallout. Even though there are slight differences, there is a universal idea on which businesses are considered to be essential. Pharmacies, supermarkets, and grocery stores, daycare, healthcare services, garbage collection, discount stores, hardware stores, dry cleaners and laundromats, gas stations, car repair shops, per stores, veterinary clinics, shipping business, and post offices are counted essential business. Some states added more businesses on the list of essential businesses, including food processing, agriculture, construction of housing, hotels and more in the case of Pennsylvania. San Francisco added educational services for distance learning, food banks, farmer’s market and businesses that provide services of sheltering and providing necessities for economically disadvantaged.

    Which Sectors are Strictly Categorized as Nonessential Business in the US?    

    Businesses such as restaurants and bars, gyms, cinemas and theatres, casinos, racetracks, recreational center, museums, salons and spas, and shopping malls, are widely considered to be nonessential, for example. That is why these businesses are closed or closing all over the US, which could reflect negatively on the general profit generated through these sectors as Coronavirus outbreak is still on the force. The main objective, and the most important task, however, is to prevent the virus from spreading further from this point. At the same time, to enable the functioning of the broad population, essential businesses need to keep operating.

    Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

    Maja Rogic
    Maja Rogic
    Maja is a full-time construction technology writer at BriqUp, with a vast experience in writing and reporting on markets, technology and real estate.

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