Areas with more restrictions for the construction industry are closing construction sites and imposing huge fines for contractors and firms that don’t comply with social distancing. As a prevention against COVID-19, social distancing is an essential norm for keeping the workers safe from getting infected. To assure social distancing on job sites in construction, a company dealing with construction safety software created an AI-powered app for tracking. The application was made by and was released on April 6th. With social distancing being an essential part of protection at work, construction firms could make great use of this AI app.
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Artificial Intelligence in Construction: Social Distancing Tracking App
The construction safety software company, released the latest AI-powered app. The app was dubbed Vinnie and will serve the purpose of virtually inspecting job sites. The social distancing norm determined and ordered to prevent the spreading of COVID-19 is more important than ever. That is how Artificial Intelligence “comes to the rescue”. Altogether, this case is showing that the industry of construction is set to evolve with the crisis. That is not as bad as the current crisis as construction could go through a major transformation that could only use the industry and work in its favor.
Construction Made Possible Amidst COVID-19 With AI
As the SEO of, Josh Kanner claims, the main goal of the tracking app backed with Artificial Intelligence is to keep the workers safe. Preventing COVID-19 infection on the job site will also prevent paying large fines by not respecting the social distancing norm. The application called Vinnie can connect to any camera on the site and track activity. The app can also send notifications and alerts when the social distancing norm is not respected. The application can also predict one in five job site accidents with an accuracy of 81%. Furthermore, Vinnie enables smooth communication and improved safety measures through Artificial Intelligence.