All sectors that were categorized as non-essential – restaurants and café bars for example – were closed with the fallout of the Coronavirus. As a way of responsibly handling the virus crisis, many businesses were closed. The businesses that remained open needed to take precaution and safety measures to keep the workers healthy and safe from getting infected with COVID-19. Construction sites normally include serious protocols for on-site workers and their protection. These precautions and safety measures are being enhanced with the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Can Construction Continue Safely with CDCP Guidelines for COVID-19?
Most construction sites are considered to be able to meet the requirements and safety guidelines as presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Construction sites unable to meet the safety standards against COVID-19 will be immediately shut down. In some cases, the construction business would be fined for not respecting the given measures. Many construction businesses can respect measures such as social distancing even on the construction sites. Aside, all construction businesses can include disinfection of the site and working spaces. Weari8ng masks and protective equipment is also more than doable for more than 90% of construction businesses.
Construction Industry is Essential
Mostly all existing types of construction were canceled and delayed in some parts of the US. The exempt is construction on public buildings, hospitals, shelters for homeless and urgent repairs and residential housing. What is important to note is how construction is crucial for the vitality of every state and every city. In the case of natural disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes and similar misfortunes, we rely on the industry of construction to rebuild the affected parts. Even in times of the COVID-19 outbreak, construction businesses are there to repurpose buildings for the needs of an emergency such as the rising number of infected patients. That is how keeping the safety protocols against the Coronavirus is essential for construction companies and should be taken seriously.
Photo by Adrian Deweerdt on Unsplash