Millennials’ Home Ownership Delayed due to the Coronavirus: For How Long?

    The economic crisis that arrived with the Coronavirus brought a downturn to millennials’ savings accounts, which as a consequence is making it harder for this demographic to own a home in 2020. According to the, the outbreak is affecting millennials financially even though this group doesn’t have high health risks when it comes to COVID-19 infections. The rate of unemployment has increased since the start of the infection, which forced many people to turn to their savings as a backup during hard times.

    Many Millennials Used Savings for Daily Necessities

    As the unemployment rate nearly reached a million unemployed people who lost their jobs during the COVID-19, many millennials were forced to use their savings. Outside the crisis and in normal conditions, these savings were more likely to be used as a down payment for a housing mortgage. Since the crisis took place quickly and changed the way businesses are operating, millennials should take more time to earn those spent funds back.

    Millennials Could Take Up to 9 Months to Earn the Spent Funds

    As reports, it could take up to 9 months averagely to earn back the savings that took only a month to be spent. That would be in the case of active employment as researches claim. According to the same researchers, in conditions where millennials would remain unemployed, it would take around 53 months to retrieve these funds, which is more than 4 years in case there would be no generated income for the next 6 months.

    Will Millennials Recover from the Fallout?

    Many millennials are using their savings that were otherwise reserved for future down payment to apply for a housing mortgage as chief economists at, Danielle Hale claims. The crisis is not over yet, so it is more likely that millennials will use their savings for everyday expenses such as food, bills, and rent. Millennials will recover at the current rate of unemployment set at over 13%, however, the recovery may take from 9 to 53 months.

    Salih Sarikaya
    Salih Sarikaya
    Salih SARIKAYA – Head of Product / Salih Sarıkaya is an award winning media&technology professional, and tech influencer with more than 15 years of experience. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies like Google and eBay as a management consultant. He was Head of Product and Technology at Smartereum – a crypto exchange platform for Cryptocurreny traders and Blockchain enthusiasts, and he was tech editor at Digital Review, digital trends and technology reviews magazine from 2013 to 2015. He has been recognized as one of the best tech influencers of USA in 2017 at CES. Salih SARIKAYA has been listed as one of the top blockchain (Disruptors, Business Journal) influencers in U.S. He has been featured on Business Insider, CoinTelegraph, Fox News, Al Jazeera, ABC News, Oxford University Press, Business Journal, and more. He is a best-selling author with three published books. He is a Professional Member of PEN America and Society of Professional Journalists. You can reach him at [email protected].

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