Green Construction Trends: Self-sufficiency in Construction

    The industry of construction is leaning towards green trends, now more than ever with the idea to make progress towards achieving zero-net-energy. More green trends are emerging, including collaborative practices, harvesting solar and wind power, as well as utilizing recycled “green” eco-friendly construction materials.  When it comes to self-sufficiency and utilizing renewable sources of energy, many construction companies are widely accepting the trend, already leaning towards self-sufficiency for more than maintaining and completing the process of construction.

    Self-sufficiency in Construction as a Green Trend

    For a building to be truly green, utilizing renewable power sources don’t stop with the process of construction. To be classified as a green building, construction needs to be self-sufficient, which means that these “green” buildings need to have independent sources of renewable power. Utilizing the power of wind through the installation of roof-mounted wind turbines is becoming a more popular trend in the construction of skyscrapers. Skyscrapers have a constant airflow due to higher altitudes, while the power of wind harnessed by the use of turbines can support a decent share of energy consumption in skyscrapers. However, it appears that more construction companies, architects, and project owners are choosing to go for harvesting the power of the sun.

    The Use of Solar Power for Self-sufficiency in Construction

    The use of solar power can be established by installing solar panels. Panels can be installed on the roof while the power of the sun can cover most of the energy consumption in green buildings and houses depending on the number of sunny days in a year. Solar panels can also be transparent and be installed to replace traditional windows, that way creating a self-sufficient construction. Construction companies can also utilize renewable power sources during the process of construction, completing the image of green building and self-sufficiency.   

    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi – Full Stack Software Engineer Mert Nacakgedigi is a full stack software engineer. He has many years of experience in construction in different roles. You can reach him at [email protected].

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