How is 3D Printing Used in Construction: Applied 3D Printing in the Industry of Construction

    The use and application of 3D printing across numerous sectors have been considered and tested for decades. With the advancement of technology, the technique of 3D printing is also gaining on improvements. Some of these improvements are presenting 3D printing to construction for a more efficient and eco-friendly approach to building and the process of production in the industry. In which ways is 3D printing applied in construction and how construction companies use this technique?

    3D Printing Can Produce Housing Constructions

    Using 3D printing as a technique to build a home? This has already been done in France, for example, as a family from Nantes decided to build a four-story home by using 3D printing. The house at the same time represents a prototype of bigger constructions while also posing as a home to the family based in Nantes. The cost of the four-story home in France didn’t get over 190,000 US dollars. This is a fairly cost-efficient project while manufacturers claim that the costs of building a 3D printed home are 20% lower than it would be with traditionally constructed housing units that have 4 stories.

    Office Buildings with 3D Printing

    A 250 square-feet office space emerged in Dubai already back in 2016 by using the technique of 3D printing for the building. What is interesting enough is that 3D printing enabled prompt completion of the project while reducing waste and noise pollution altogether. The project took less than 3 weeks to be finished, specifically 17 days until the official completion. Besides, it only took 18 people to finish the project, which also makes 3D printing cost-efficient as well as time-effective. The mixture used for printing contained concrete and other materials, while the office space was printed in layers.

    Photo by ZMorph Multitool 3D Printer on Unsplash

    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi
    Mert Nacakgedigi – Full Stack Software Engineer Mert Nacakgedigi is a full stack software engineer. He has many years of experience in construction in different roles. You can reach him at [email protected].

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