Improved Safety and Training in Construction with Tech Evolution

    By far, the rate of technology adoption in construction has been operating at a slower pace, however, with the changing demand and emerging trends, tech adoption is ramping up. One of the areas in construction that are particularly benefiting from tech adoption is safety, as well as professional training in the sector.

    Improved Safety in Construction as a Tech Adoption Benefit

    Over 15% of reported accidents on job sites are noted in the industry of construction, which is how safety poses as one of the main challenges in the construction sector. Technology evolution and tech adoption are accelerating security enhancements through various applications. Some of those applications are seen in virtual reality and the use of VR gear for operating cranes, welding and other work that can be completed with the use of tech adoption. By utilizing solutions such as VR simulators and even drones, construction sites are becoming safer environments for on-site workers. As a consequence, workers are more efficient and are protected from potential accidents that could take place on a construction site. VR and VR equipment can also be used for professional training. VR simulations can prepare the workers for on-site tasks more efficiently with virtual reality than it would be the case with guides and written instructions.

    Augmented Reality and Safety Plans in Construction

    Augmented reality and the use of this technology in construction can improve the way safety plans are being made. Workers can get proper professional training with real equipment and augmented hazards. That way, workers are prepared for different scenarios where their safety might be challenged. Wearables based on VR and AR could be used for monitoring in the sense of creating a safer environment on construction sites. Built into the equipment, wearables can help managers track construction workers so they would be able to tell if any of the workers are entering a hazardous area or risking their safety.

    Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

    Maja Rogic
    Maja Rogic
    Maja is a full-time construction technology writer at BriqUp, with a vast experience in writing and reporting on markets, technology and real estate.

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