Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemics on the US Construction Business

    As the situation with the spreading of COVID-19 across the Us is getting more serious and growing in proportions, only essential businesses are allowed to continue. Construction business is deemed as essential; however, some states and areas have taken more rigorous measures. That way, many construction sites are closing – however, only some are closing following state’s orders. What is the general situation in the US for construction business, state by state?

    Which States in the US Allow Construction Projects to Continue?

    Alabama allowed all construction businesses to continue as by far. In the meantime, Facebook has delayed the construction of its data center located in Alabama.  Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, California, and the District of Colombia allowed all construction projects to move forward with completion. Florida construction is also up and running. Renovations at Walt Disney World Orlando, though, are being postponed. Georgia decided to allow construction projects to continue. However, some districts and cities in the state decided to shut down all construction sites except for housing. Hawaii, Idaho, and Illinois also allow construction sites to remain open and operating. Kentucky also remains open towards allowing construction firms to proceed with projects. Maryland and Louisiana continue to consider construction as essential.

    Which States in the US Have Decided to Close Non-essential Construction Sites?  

    Alaska decided to move on with the shutdown of the non-essential business. That is how all non-essential construction projects have been delayed. Essential construction is categorized as construction related to housing and healthcare facilities. Colorado has the same situation as Alaska, allowing only essential construction to move on. The state of Iowa decided to allow only essential construction work. In the meantime, Kansas had shut down all construction sites, only allowing maintenance work. Maine allows only essential construction work, while the state of Massachusetts ordered a state-wide shut down of construction sites.

    Photo by Ivan Henao on Unsplash

    Ikbal Erdogan
    Ikbal Erdogan
    Ikbal Erdogan – Chief Construction Officer / Ikbal Erdogan is an engineer in the Construction Industry with over 5 years of experience concentrating on Project Management methodologies. He has worked for construction & investment companies providing engineering and technology expertise during the execution of various expansion projects. He has been primary technical contact in large-scale construction projects for schedule preparation, preliminary planning, process development, resource forecasting and collaboration with procurement for engineering and other technical activities. You can reach him at [email protected].

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